SCHOOLS CUP TERM 4 - YR 7, 9 & 10
Event information
This event is sold out.
VNSW reserves the right to cap divisions as they see fit and to close registrations prior to the promoted closing date if event capacity is reached.
Volleyball NSW is dedicated to providing volleyball opportunities that promote participation, learning the rules of the game, and advancing volleyball skills by offering fun team-based competition opportunities to High Schools within NSW. Using a simplified format, the 1-Day School's Cup is a perfect platform for schools and students who are still new to the sport and want to gain experience and insight into competitions and their skills.
Games will typically start at 8:00am and finish approximately around 4:00pm.
- $250 per team (GST included)
- 40 minute time slots
- 5 minute warm up, 11 minute sets and 1 minute change of ends
- 3 sets played, winner must lead by 1 point for each set
After entry is confirmed a Team List will need to be signed by the school principal and submitted to the Event Coordinator.