
Happy New Year!

Published Thu 31 Dec 2020

For a year that will be remembered for all the wrong reasons worldwide, it's a great time to reflect on all the wins from 2020.

The start of 2020 saw 7 major tournaments run throughout beaches in NSW involving over 250 teams. While a little thing called COVID-19 put a stop to physical delivery, the following few months saw incredible growth within VNSW. We delivered a 3 part online Coaching Master Class to coaches from all corners of Australia. While this period was 'downtime' for some industries, we were busier than ever working through a full rebrand, an entire database change and back end efficiencies to set us up for a successful return to play once given the green light.

Since our sport has been allowed to return safely, we have delivered 11 major tournaments, inlcuding:

  • The 2020 Edition of the Sydney Volleyball League involving 66 Senior Teams and 36 Junior Teams
  • 9x Beach Volleyball tournaments, including the first ever North Coast Beach Schools Cup in Port Macquarie; and last but certainly not least...
  • The largest Schools Cup event in VNSW history, the NSW Schools Cup Champioships held across two venues over five days - a mammoth effort in response to the unfortunate cancellation of the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup.

​​​​Along with these tournaments, we have launched our Performance Camp Series for both Indoor and Beach Volleyball, while our Spikeroos and Sporting Schools programs have continued to grow exponentially in popularity, with more participants than ever before. This shows that the future of our sport is certainly bright with so many great youngsters coming through the ranks.

Not a bad effort for what has been a 'terrible' year... and we're just getting started! Here's to an amazing 2021 - Happy New Year!